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In the event that you need to return an item or require a replacement, you should follow the instructions below.
It is important that you follow these instructions so we can process your return in a quick and satisfactory manner.
If you receive the wrong item or the item arrives damaged, you need to inform us immediately (within 24 hours) by phone, email or using the form at the bottom of this page. Please remember to also inform the courier and make a note on the delivery slip if there is any apparent damage on delivery.
We will issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) number and arrange for the item to be returned and inspected. Once we have checked the item, we will send a replacement or, if required, issue a refund.
Please note that if the item is found to be correct or not damaged, we will return it to you at your own cost.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the item is packaged safely and securely when being returned.
If you receive an item that is faulty on delivery, you need to inform us as soon as possible (within 7 days) using the form below.
We will issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) number and arrange for the item to be returned and inspected. Once we have checked the item and confirmed the fault, we will send a replacement or, if required, issue a refund.
Please note that if the item is found not to be faulty, we will return it to you at your own cost.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the item is packaged safely and securely when being returned.
If your product has developped a fault after 7 days, we always recommend that you check with the manufacturer first before contacting us as they will carry out some troubleshooting and may be able to help solve the issue or, if applicable, confirm the item is faulty. If faulty they may even offer a repair or replacement which is the quickest and easiest solution.
If the manufacturer aren't able to help in the first instance, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
We will issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) number and send you instructions on how to return the item or to arrange collection. Once the item has been checked and the fault confirmed, it will either be repaired or replaced according to the warranty details.
Please note that if the item is found not to be faulty, we will return it to you at your own cost. It is your responsibility to ensure that the item is packaged safely and securely when being returned.
If you are a consumer
Under the Distance Selling Regulations you have the legal right to cancel your order within fourteen days of receipt of your order (with the exception of any made to order and customised items, software, consumable or data storage media where any seal or packaging has been opened). You do not have to give us any reason for cancelling nor will you have to pay any penalty. However, you will need to notify us in writing if you wish to cancel.
Once we have received your request to cancel your order, we will issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) number and send you instructions on how to return the item. You must return the item within 7 days at your own cost in “new” condition, unused and complete with all original packaging, accessories, manuals, drivers, cables and other items that originally came with the product. Once the item has been received and checked, we will issue a refund as soon as possible.
Please note that if the item is returned used, damaged, marked, with missing items or generally not in "new" condition, we reserve the right to reject the return or to charge you a restocking fee to be determined by us for any loss of value. It is your responsibility to ensure that the item is packaged safely and securely when being returned.
If you are NOT a consumer
If you wish to cancel your order, you must contact us in writing within 24 hours of delivery to request an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) number. Once we have received your request, we will consider it and if the return is authorised we will issue the RMA number and send you instructions on how to return the item. You must return the item within 7 days at your own cost. We may also charge a restocking fee to be determined by us. Once the item has been received and checked, we will issue a refund minus any restocking fee as soon as possible.
Please note that we are under no obligation to accept a return and any authorisation is at our discretion. If the item is returned used, damaged, marked, with missing items or generally not in "new" condition, we reserve the right to reject the return and return the item to you at your cost. It is your responsibility to ensure that the item is packaged safely and securely when being returned.